2015 AFFI Government Action Summit


When the AFFI Government Action Summit sets up shop in town, they won’t just be saying they’re ready to take action, they will begin an active trek up to The Hill and hopefully between the sheets of new legislation.

Beginning Tuesday, September 29th, from 9am to 11am, the AFFI Public Policy Forum will commence with AFFI Vice Presidents of Government Affairs Kelly Poulsen and Gordon Speed and Former Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman. Attendees will then depart for a Capitol Hill Luncheon with U.S. Representative Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) held at Charlie Palmer Steak at 101 Constitution Ave. NW.  A host of Congressional Office Visits will follow lunch and end at 5.30, just before an exciting dinner with U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) and the AFFI Executive Committee at the Capitol Hill Club in support of FROZEN FOODPAC.

Wednesday, September 30th, will begin with an early morning AFFI Public Policy Council Breakfast and Meeting followed by the Frozen Food Foundation Board of Directors Luncheon & Meeting and another afternoon visit to Congressional Offices on Capitol Hill. Dessert for Wednesday’s dinner will be the AFFI Frozen Food Filibuster at the Library of Congress in the James Madison Building on Independence Ave. Thursday, October 1st will conclude the summit with the AFFI Board of Directors’ Breakfast and Fall Meeting which will hopefully include a reflection on new successfully formed bipartisan networks throughout the course of the conference that will help constituents give frozen a reputation as good as Frozen’s.

For industry leaders interested in gaining a tangible understanding of the interworking of Congressional politics and how to identify crucial federal partners, this summit is a crucial next step to thawing interests that may have initially seemed frozen in place. Register while in line at the register today.

Ella—innkeeper at American Guest House—a Washington DC B&B with plenty to see

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