National Prayer Breakfast 2018

On February 8, 2018, the annual National Prayer Breakfast will be held at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC for its 66th year. Every year on the first Thursday in February, worldwide leaders from over 100 countries gather with the U.S. President for the opportunity to form and fortify relationships with prayer as the cornerstone. Since President Eisenhower in 1952, the National Prayer Breakfast has been a place for the nation’s leaders to discuss faith and its vitality to the strength of the nation. Over the years, the event has expanded to include over 3,000 attendees, primarily of elite business and political affiliation.

The event is hosted by the U.S. Congress and organized by a Christian organization, The Fellowship Foundation, and comprises of luncheons, dinners, and meetings. Several guest speakers participate in the event, including a prestigious keynote speaker who is undisclosed until the breakfast. Previous speakers include: Mother Theresa (1994), Bono (2006), Tony Blair (2009), Dr. Ben Carson (2013), and Barry Black (2017). 

How did this begin? Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister Abraham Vereide was dedicated to addressing the issue of poverty and wanted to gather and pray with local businessmen and politicians before heading to work. In 1942 when Vereide moved to Washington, DC he initiated these prayer groups with members of Congress, until it grew to include the President and other national leaders. 

How can I attend? Attendance to the National Prayer Breakfast is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending, it is suggested that you contact your Congressman or Senator. Our Washington DC bed and breakfast is not affiliated with the event, and we are unable to assist in obtaining an invitation, however, we welcome attendees to stay with us as we are less than a block from the Washington Hilton. 

Below is the speech from last year’s event from the newly inaugurated President Trump:

Shannon Stiles, Innkeeper at American Guest House

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