CED Winter Meeting – Truthville 2016

December 27th-30th the Christian Education Department (CED) of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Zion Church Winter Meeting – Truthville 2016 will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, near our Washington DC bed and breakfast. This year’s theme will be “SHIFT”, which will focus on how to equip yourself for spiritual, interpersonal, organizational and communal shifts. Truthville 2016 will highlight the difficulties that come with change and how to navigate through it. It is a great opportunity for Christian educators, people of any age, young adults, families, members of the clergy, and professionals to join together to engage in worship, discussions, social events, and learning experiences.

What is on the agenda at Truthville 2016? The conference will kick-off on Tuesday with a Shift Prayer Walk Orientation, followed by an Intergenerational Prayer Gathering, Zion Prays. Additionally, there will be a VICYC Business Session, YACM Y-Chat (a young adult gathering), Life Group Meet and Greet, and, lastly, the Freedom Film Festival Screening. There will be designated time for activities for children and youth, including an artistic expression opportunity called “D.R.I.V.E.” for 13-21 year olds to participate in throughout the week. Truthville 2016 will consist of a variety of sessions, work-outs, courses, and workshops to attend during the week. For children 12 and under, there will be the Varick’s Children’s Winter Camp for them to participate in with exciting activities that encourage spiritual growth and knowledge.

Tickets to attend Truthville 2016 are $195 for Adults (41-75), $132 for Children (3-12), $35 for Senior Citizens (75 and over), $165 for Young Adults (22-40), and $160 for Youth (13-21). You must register by December 6th to attend. There will be rooms held for the conference at a group rate, however, you must reserve your own room after registering for the meeting. If you’re interested in being a vendor or exhibitor at Truthville 2016, you can sign up online by filling out a registration form on their website.

Shannon Stiles, Innkeeper at American Guest House

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