There is an upcoming conference on Clinical Research in Rare Diseases that will take place near our Washington DC Hotel, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel on November 2nd 2016. This conference has a registration deadline of October 19th, so be sure to act fast to get your spot, or multiple spots if your coworkers will be going with you. There is a meeting agenda and abstract and poster information on their website when you register. There is also a discounted rate for NIH staff. The Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network is an initiative of the Office of Rare Diseases Research, NCATS, funded through a collaboration between NCATS and the National Institutes of Health.

You may be wondering what exactly the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network is. It is designed to advance medical research on rare diseases by providing pivotal resources and support so things, such as, clinical studies as well as facilitating collaborative efforts.  Through the RDCRN there are several elements at play working together. Physicians, scientists, and their multidisciplinary teams work as one unit. Some amazing facts with this group are: they’re researching over 200 rare diseases; they’ve 267 clinical centers; over 43,845 patients have participated in research; and 90 available research studies. Historically, RDCRN was founded and established by the Office of rare Diseases Research (ORDOR), which today is part of the National Center for Advancing Translation Science. The Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network began in 2003. This one-day event happening in Washington, DC, will be busy and packed with lots of important information. Come ready to learn as well as network with like-minded people. It will be great to also be around those who can support your study, and you can support theirs. Enjoy great weather in DC and wonderful restaurants to dine at in the evening.


Hannah, innkeeper at American Guest House, a Washington DC bed and breakfast


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