All You Can Eat Sushi in Washington DC

Most people enjoy eating until they can’t eat anymore, especially if its good food and quality. Sushi is a type of food that you either really like or you really don’t. For those of us who like Sushi and are visiting the Washington DC area, check out Sushi Para for their All You Can Eat Sushi for just $19.99. Its located right beside the Van Ness/ University of District of Columbia Station just 3 stops up the Red Line from our Washington DC Bed and Breakfast.

Getting there is easy. Walk out our front door and take a right on Columbia Rd NW towards Connecticut Ave., once you get to Connecticut Ave. you can either take a right or left depending if you want to take the DuPont Circle Metro or Woodley Park/National Zoo. If you take the DuPont Circle Metro, you will be taking a left on Connecticut Ave. and walking about 10 minutes south towards the station. If you choose to take the Woodley Park/National Zoo Metro, you will take a right on Connecticut Ave. and walk north for about 15 minutes to the station, passing over the Rock Creek Parkway Bridge, in the Kalorama Neighborhood. Once on the Red Line metro, take it towards Shady Grove and exit at the Van Ness/UDC Metro. After getting to the top of the escalators, walk south 100 yards and you are there.

Sushi Para’s menu is full of any sort of sushi you might like or want to try, they also have sides such as Miso Soup and Salad that are included in the $19.99 soup. Do make sure your eyes aren’t too big for your stomach, because they will charge you extra if you don’t finish everything on your plate, which is totally understanding.

Yes, I repeat! ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI IS ONLY $19.99 at Sushi Para in Washington DC, just a 20 minute commute by Metro or Taxi from our DuPont Circle Bed and Breakfast. Enjoy!


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