Washington, DC Taxi fare from Amercian Guest House Bed and Breakfast to Union station, Washington DC

The estimated fare is $13.26 using the rate in DC. The trip is 3.5 mi and will take 13 min. This includes a 15% tip. If you wish to get a Taxi to go to Union Station, check  DC yellow Cab company.

Approximate Breakdown:

Initial Fare $3.00
Add. Metered Fare $7.66
Emergency fuel charge: $1.00 $1.00
Tip (15%) $1.60
Estimated Taxi Fare $13.26

*Additional charges may apply.


American Guest House Bed and Breakfast

Washington DC Bed and Breakfast accommodations.  We are centrally located, 10 minutes walk to DuPont Circle metro/subway, 1 mile north west of White House.

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