Public Transportation to Union Station in Washington DC

Here are some public transportation options to get to Union Station from the American Guest House Bed and Breakfast:


From the Guest House  is about  3.5 mi and will take 15 minutes with a cab. The estimated fare is $13.26 using the rate in DC, this includes a 15% tip. You can always catch a cab in front of the house on Columbia Road; it’s very easy to get one. Otherwise we can always make a reservation for you.

If you wish to get more information or get a Taxi to go to Union Station, check DC yellow Cab company.

The Dupont Circle Metro Station is a 10 minute walk from the guest house. You would take the red line going in the direction of the Glenmont metro station. You will ride the train for 5 stops and reach Union Station within 10 minutes. The fare is $1.85 during off-peak hours (9:30am -2:59pm and 7-midnight, and weekends), and $2.40 during peak hours.  If your luggage is to cumbersome to transport on foot to the metro station, then you might want to take bus 42/43 or H1, these buses stop 3 houses down from the guest house.  The fare is $1.70 and you need to have the exact change ready when boarding the bus. The bus will arrive at the DuPont Circle metro/subway station within 3 to 8 minutes depending on traffic and time of day.


Just four doors from the Guest House, you have the 42/43 or Circulator bus up to Union Station.  The fare for the 42/43 or H1 is $1.70 and you need to have the exact change ready when boarding the bus. The fare for the Circulator is $1.00. Depending on traffic and time of day with the transfer, it can probably take about 20 minutes to get to Union station.

Please visit the wmata website for additional travel information.

Enjoy your ride!

American Guest House Bed and Breakfast

Washington DC Bed and Breakfast accommodations.  We are centrally located, 10 minutes walk to DuPont Circle metro/subway, 1 mile north west of White House.

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